Premature Ejaculation Self-Help

Premature Ejaculation Self-Help

If you have a PE problem, then the only real way to cure yourself is via self-help. If you’re fortunate, you might have local access to sex surrogacy or a decent therapist. But most guys aren’t that lucky. Ultimately, it comes down to you and, besides, nobody knows your body and mind better than yourself so really there is nobody better to fix it.

Types Of Self-Help

The classic form of self-help is literature i.e. books. There are several good self-help guides to cure premature ejaculation out there and they are nearly all a good investment.

Of course, you must help yourself. Simply investing in a book won’t cure you. You have to put in the work. It’s like learning a language: regular practice will yield good, long term results. The same goes for premature ejaculation self-help.

Increasingly these days you can also get self-help in the form of video. Many men prefer this to reading long books.

Example Self-Help Exercises

One of the more common self-help exercises is kegels. This is where you learn how to flex your PC muscle and you do several sets of repetitions of them, each day for around two months. By then you will have built up the strength to be able to stop your ejaculation.

Other common exercises are those to be used during masturbation. Usually, the idea is to stop masturbation being a risky, quick ejaculation and make it more like something approaching real sex. This way you reprogram your mind and body to have a different attitude towards ejaculation. This benefit will eventually carry over into the bedroom too, in the form of more time till ejaculation.

Understanding The Concepts

It’s not enought to just blindly perform these self-help exercises without any regard for how and why they work.

In order to gain the benefits, you must also understand what is going on inside your mind and body. Most self-help programs usually dedicate some portion towards theory and concepts.

When you understand them well, the benefits of the exercises will increase exponentially. You will quickly “get” the exercises and their purpose and learn fast from your own feedback.

Getting Effective Self-Help

There are so many self-help programs out there that it can be difficult to know the difference between the good, the bad and the ugly.

I strongly recommend you look into Ejaculation Transformation if you want an effective, thorough method that really works. It will allow you to recondition mind and body so that you will be transformed from “down on your luck”, frustrated, desperate, embarrassed premature ejaculator into a long lasting, marathon man stud in the bed. Check out this introduction to it here: Ejaculation Transformation.

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