Monday, September 2, 2013

How to cure premature ejaculation naturally

You don`t have to succumb to Premature ejaculation!

Premature ejaculation is something that effects between 30 to 40% of men, and nearly all men suffer from it at some point in their lives. As you already know, it can be an embarrassing subject to discuss with a doctor…so with this in mind, I will reveal to you some proven methods of curing premature ejaculation on your own, without having to talk to anyone else about it.

Here are the techniques for curing Premature ejaculation.

Relax. This is the most important thing you can do. If you’re worrying about ejaculating prematurely, you will create a self-fulfilling prophecy and cause it to happen. Learn how to relax your self properly. Learn to breathe correctly, buy a relaxation tape, whatever it takes for you to learn how to relax.

Sort out relationship problems. If it is causing a problem in your relationship, then most likely you have relationship problems as well. If this is the case, then you need to work on relationship problems first. If

Exercise your pelvic floor. It’s possible gain much more control over ejaculation if you have strong pelvic floor muscles. You can strengthen these muscles with a couple of exercises which I’ll describe to you now. Before you do these exercises, you need to make sure that you’re using the correct muscles, otherwise you’re just wasting your time.

Here’s how to locate the correct muscles: When you next urinate, practice stopping before you’re finished…and then starting again. Those muscles are the pelvic floor muscles.

Here’s the first exercise:
This exercise involves pulling the muscles in and holding for 10 seconds. Make absolutely sure that you’re not holding your breath. Repeat this exercise 10 times.
Here’s the second exercise:
The second exercise is just the same as before, but you need to hold for 30 seconds, and repeat 10 times. Again, make sure you’re not holding your breath or tensing anywhere that you shouldn’t, such as your abdominal s or buttocks.
You should try and do these exercises every morning and every evening. It may take a few weeks before you see noticeable results, but if you keep doing them you will gain greater control over when you ejaculate.

Stop and start. This is exactly what it sounds like, and is perhaps the most common technique taught in sexual therapy. To do this, you practice stimulating yourself until just before ejaculation, and then you stop. You do this three times.

Changing stroke. Once you can do the stop and start technique, you can more on to this technique. This is basically the same, but instead of stopping altogether, you change the stimulation to something less simulating.

Change positions. This is like the stop and start technique…only you use it for intercourse. When the sensation of ejaculation becomes strong, change positions…or decrease the stimulation until the sensation subsides.
In you practice the techniques and exercises I’ve described to you, you will see noticeable results in overcoming your premature ejaculation.
The secret to curing premature ejaculation ultimately comes down to one thing. One single word. That word is Relaxation.

It sounds simply enough, for sure. But it gets more complicated when you add in the many factors that cause premature ejaculation.

To help you get a better understanding of this problem, and ultimately how to cure it… I’ve decided to go over the numerous different causes of premature ejaculation.

One of the most common causes of premature ejaculation, is something I will call “overwhelming excitement”. This happens mostly with younger guys, and it’s kinda self explanatory.

Most people experience this when it comes to sex, its just the healthy red-blooded male response to sex. It’s natural, and perfectly fine.

But the problem arises when we become so excited that we can’t listen to the responses your body gives when you are close to ejaculating. This is common with inexperienced guys who haven’t had sex with a partner.

The first few times can be so “overwhelming” that the natural urge to ejaculate builds up and becomes impossible to control. This can lead to an un-fulfilling sex life for your partner.

Without some outside help, it can take many years to get over premature ejaculation if you are young and at the “overwhelming excitement” stage.

If you would like to do something sooner, check out my sneek peek video for a product that has worked superbly for me, and I’m sure will work for you as well.

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